Page 12 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
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down their weapons and declared peace as a result of the eclipse. The Trojan War and the final battle of the Iliad
occurred during a solar eclipse on June 11, 1312 BC. A solar eclipse occurred in France in 1918 during WW I.
Numerous historical wars have occurred during a total solar eclipse. There are a maximum of seven eclipses that
can occur in any year. The moon was created just the right size and the right distance from the sun to allow for a
total eclipse to occur. This tells of an intelligent designer, the Creator of this world. Therefore, the sun and moon
must have some importance as a sign in the heavens. This book will look for signs in the heavens over America.
It will identify signs over the past 50 years and into the future - 2017 when there will be a coast-to-coast eclipse.
The Time Known through Heavenly Signs
God is an all-knowing, an omniscient God, who knew that America would fall into sin and lawlessness. The
Apostle Paul states in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.” Lawlessness is the state of
making it lawful to do what is seen as an abomination by God and God’s Laws. Heavenly signs will provide an
accurate date for these heavenly events which are unique in the skies. God set the rules of the heavens during
creation, which demonstrates His omniscience. In Job 38:33, God asked him “Do you know the ordinances of the
heaven or fix their rule over the earth”? We understand these ordinances with mathematical equations. God is all-
knowing and proof is given to us by Him through placement of signs in the heavens.
Heavenly Signs
It should be obvious that “Heavenly Signs” are given for seeing. The very nature of a sign is it should be viewable
among people on the earth; those who are looking for them. God wants us to know the timing of these events.
Men are called upon to see, look at, and behold signs.
God created signs in the heavens for us to observe.
Signs are intended to be conspicuous and not hidden.
The United States will become our primary viewing point for heavenly signs used in “U.S. Eagle Falls.” The Bible
is clear about the use of “Signs in the Heavens.” The Bible lets us know they are to be used as messages or warnings
about earthly events. The heavens and the universe truly declare His Mighty Glory. We will next look at the
reason why this nation was blessed by God because of its founding principles. But, this nation has become a
nation that values its Constitutional Rights over God’s Laws. This has generated a land of lawlessness, where it is
seen as an individual’s protective rights. God cannot ignore abominations. He is a Holy and Righteous God.
The Whirlpool Galaxy with the Black Hole – symbol of the cross, Hubble Telescope (NASA)