Page 11 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
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Daniel 1:9. God the Father is seen as Leo Major, the Great Lion. Leo Minor represents the Deity of Christ as a
Young Lion or just a Lion. Likewise, Christ is the Lion of Judah as seen in the Constellation of Leo and is
mentioned in Revelation 5:5. The Lion represents Judgment and the Wrath of God. Just below Neptune is the
Constellation of Hydra. Satan is symbolized by three constellations – Draco, the dragon, Serpens, the serpent,
and Hydra, the water beast, that has seven heads. All three symbols are used in scripture - Leviathan the twisted
serpent of the sea in Isaiah 27:1, Job 41, the Serpent of Old in the Garden of Eden in Genesis and the Dragon
in Revelation. In the center of the heavens is Draco, the dragon, who is ready to deceive the entire world and to
devour the virgin which is mentioned in Revelation 12:4. These are signs of deception. Leo, the Lion’s paws are
on the head of the serpent Hydra ready to strike the serpent’s head. This is mentioned in Genesis 3:15 where
the Lord said to the serpent “He (Christ) shall bruise you (serpent) on the head (fatally).” Satan will undoubtedly be
conquered by Christ. In the picture of “Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood,” Hydra is above the heavenly ship Argo,
which is seen on the horizon. Argo Navis is no longer an officially recognized constellation, it has been divided
into three constellations; Carina the Keel, Vela the Sails, Puppis the Stern, plus a subordinate division of Argo
now called Pyxis Nautica, the Nautical Box or Mariner's Compass, which used to be called Malus, the Mast. The
biblical school of course called it Noah’s Ark, the Arca Noachi, or Archa Noae. In the 17th century the Ark
seems to have been its popular title. Argo Navis is normally seen in the southern hemisphere. However, it
comes up into the northern hemisphere over the Taurus Mountains in Turkey to set just above the horizon.
This heavenly event was truly a wonder of God and a sign which could be seen by Noah and his sons. The
heavenly sign of the ark and the flood occur from a partial eclipse of the sun and moon over five thousand
years ago. Solar eclipses have been interpreted as bad omens. God created just the right size of the moon and
the correct distance from the sun to allow for a total eclipse to occur. During the creation of the heavens and
earth, God has put signs into the heavens for us to see and interpret. We will first take a look at the significance
of the moon. Total solar eclipses are considered a bad omen for the nations. Blood moons are an omen for the
Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Both are recognized in ancient times and today’s world in which we live.
Total Solar Eclipse with the moon – Designed by the Creator Red Blood Moon – Lunar Eclipse (NASA)
There are three sets of blood moons or lunar eclipses that corresponded to significant events in the past. The
Spanish Inquisition’s final year of 1492 when the Alhambra Decree ordered all remaining Jews who would not
convert to Christianity to leave Spain. The Israeli 1948 War of Independence and the 1967 Israeli Six-Day War
had back-to-back blood red moons occur on the first day of Passover and Tabernacles as well as the following
year. The other blood moons were in 162/163 AD, 795/796 AD, 842/843 AD and 860/861 AD. Solar eclipses
have been interpreted as bad omens or forewarnings. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Thales
of Miletus predicted an eclipse that occurred during a war between the Medians and the Lydians. Both sides put