Page 10 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 10


              What is the significance of heavenly bodies? In traditional astrological nomenclature, the stars were divided into
              “fixed stars” (Latin stellæ fixæ), which means the stars and other galactic or intergalactic bodies that are
              recognized by astronomers and “wandering stars” (Greek: πλανήτης αστήρ, planētēs astēr), which we know are the
              planets of the solar system. The first sets of stars were called “fixed” because it was thought they were attached
              to the firmament, and are the most distant from earth of the heavenly spheres. The “fixed” star movement
              across the sky is very predictable based upon their relationship to other stars and typically rise from the east and
              go down in the west much like the sun. The positions of the stars are uniquely given each day of every year.

              The “Noah’s Ark” picture shown below has a number of significant signs.  The Constellation of Argo, the ship,
              was considered to be Noah’s Ark by Bible scholar E.W. Bullinger. It was considered the Ark during the 19
              century and has been broken up into multiple constellations during the 20  century by modern astronomers.
              Neptune is the god of the sea. Neptune seems to be the source of light on the Ark. The radiant light shines on
              the Constellation of Hydra which represents a serpent-like water beast. Beneath the waters was an entrance to
              the “underworld” and Hydra was its guardian. Hydra represents the seven headed serpent who is Satan. All of
              these constellations appear below the Constellation of Leo, the Lion. Leo symbolizes the Wrath of God. We
              know the Great Flood was God’s outpouring of wrath upon the earth for destruction of “the wickedness of man.”

              Genesis 6:5 “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every
              intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”


              January 3503 BC - Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood

              This heavenly event of the flood was due to the partial eclipse of the moon with the sun, which has set below the
              horizon. The moon reflects radiate light into the heavens as if pointing to the planet Neptune.  In ancient Greek
              times and Roman mythology, Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus) was a major god presiding over water, lakes, springs,
              rivers and the seas. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon. In the Greek-influenced tradition,
              Neptune was the brother of Jupiter and Pluto, each of them presiding over one of the three realms of the
              universe: the sea, heaven and earth, and the underworld. Neptune represents water and the sea.  Just above
              Neptune is the Constellation of Leo.  The Great Lion represents “The Ancient of Days” that is described in

              8  New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. 1995 (Ge 6:5). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
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