Page 64 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 64
The symbol, or glyph, of Mars is widely used as a symbol of the male. It shows the circle of spirit, directed outwards. It can
represent mankind or man in general. 97
Mars is the planet of energy, action and desire. It is the survival instinct, and can be thought of as the "leftover" animal nature of
man. Mars is named after the ancient Roman god of war, as befitting the red planet's bloody color. The Romans copied the ancient
Greeks, who named the fourth planet from the sun after their god of war, Ares. Other civilizations also typically gave the planet
names based on its color — for example, the Egyptians named it "Her Desher," meaning "the red one," while ancient Chinese
astronomers dubbed it "the fire star."
Mars, the god of war, is the ruler over war. Mars is named after the ancient Roman god of war. The Romans
copied the ancient Greeks, who named the fourth planet from the sun after their god of war, Ares. In different
cultures, Mars represents masculinity and youth. Its symbol, a circle with an arrow pointing out to the upper
right, is also used as a symbol for the male gender. This planet is associated with war as well as a symbol of man
in general or mankind. It is the red planet color which represents bloody war.
Mercury, the messenger of the gods, represents a deceptive communicator. The Islamic Mehdi comes in the
name of Muhammad and he is considered to be a messenger of god. Mercury's action is to take things apart and
put them back together again. This has the meaning of magician, juggling impressions taken in through sight, sound, the
intellect, and creating patterns that form your perception. Mercury not only rules communication, it represents coordination. Thought
processes, ideas, and sensory information from both unconscious and conscious sources all need to be coordinated and understood.
Mercury (NASA) – the gray planet symbolizes the messenger and communicator
Mercury's glyph, or symbol, resembles that of Venus, with the addition of a semi-circle (horns) at the top. The horns
represent Satan empowered Antichrist.
The spectacular image shown is one of the first to be returned from MESSENGER’s second flyby of Mercury.
The image shows the departing planet taken about 90 minutes after the spacecraft's closest approach. The bright
crater just south of the center of the image is Kuiper, identified on images from the Mariner 10 mission in the
100 Astrology for the Millions (Llewellyn's Classics of Astrology Library) by Grant Lewi