Page 62 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 62


                                                                                  Well-Fortified City:

                                                                                  The scripture also stated that the
                                                                                  troops of the North pressed on
                                                                                  with a “great army and much
                                                                                  equipment.”  The North went up
                                                                                  on “poured” ramps to capture
                                                                                  the well-fortified city and the
                                                                                  South had no strength to make a
                                                                                  stand even with its choicest
                                                                                  troops and forces of men.    ַר rab;
                                                                                  much, many, great, powerful: great or
                                                                                  powerful weapons.   ַפ ָשׁ shaphak to pour
                                                                                  out, pour:—cast, poured

              Masjid Al-Haram: “The Sacred Mosque”

              This is an important city to the Islamic nations, other than the “Dome of the Rock” in Jerusalem. Daniel’s prophecy
              goes on to tell that the commander will come into the Land of Israel. The purpose is to bring a “proposal of peace”
              to Jerusalem. This land is referred to as the “Beautiful Land” where he will stay for a period of time after the
              capture of the southern “well-fortified city.” The “Beautiful Land” refers to the nation of Israel.

                   Daniel 11:16-17 “But he who comes against him will do as he pleases, and no one will be able to
                   withstand him; he will also stay for a time in the Beautiful Land, with destruction in his hand.”

                17  “He will set his face to come with the power of his whole kingdom, bringing with him a proposal
                   of peace which he will put into effect; he will also give him the daughter of women to ruin it. But
                   she will not take a stand for him or be on his side.”

              It sounds like Israel doesn’t have the military forces to withstand him because he possesses the ability to do
              ultimate destruction in their land. He brings with him a “proposal of peace” which he implements in the nation of
              Israel. He gives him one of his daughters to maintain the peace treaty and a method to corrupt it.  However, she
              doesn’t stand by him as planned. Notice, there is no great nation such as the United State of America from the
              west to enforce or support this peace treaty with the nation of Israel. A western nation is missing from prophecy.

              The Hebrew word for “ruin” is the following. תַחָשׁ shachath; to go to ruin:—act corruptly, act … corruptly

              It appears that she doesn’t pursue his wishes, because the scripture says “she will not take a stand for him or be on his
              side.”  This is clearly stating that she doesn’t support his interest in corrupting the peace treaty. There is a sign in
              the heavens relating to war. It is the attack of the North with the southern alliance of Islamic nations.  The planet
              that represents war is Mars. The red planet's bloody color symbolizes war. Is there also a sign in the heavens for
              the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness? This is symbolized by the planet Mercury. This must be the war during
              the siege of the well-fortified city. This is because the Antichrist takes over after a peace treaty is offered to Israel,
              in the “Beautiful Land.” The Pleiades star cluster, a sign of authority, is also given from the heavens for this event.
              Notice the authority if given for this war but not to the Antichrist, that is symbolized by the planet Mercury
              being above the crown of stars. This is unlike the sign in 2391 which didn’t give authority to the Islamic alliance

              98  New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Da 11:16–17). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.

              99  Thomas, R. L. (1998). New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek dictionaries : Updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation
              Publications, Inc.
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