Page 14 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 14


                                                                The Constellation Draco: Early Christians
                                                                saw Draco as the serpent which had tempted
                                                                Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  Draco
                                                                was the serpent-like dragon that twined round
                                                                the tree in the Garden and guarded the apples.

              Draco depicted as a Dragon (Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825)             Hydra - Seven Headed Serpent (Lambeth, Palace, U.K. 16  Century)
              The Constellation of Draco is depicted as a dragon snake. We will see how this constellation is used as a sign for
              Satan being thrown down to the earth. This event occurs prior to the first Trumpet Judgment, in which Satan has
              no longer access to Heaven to accuse the brethren. We will use the Draco Constellation to show this alignment
              between His Word which matches the heavenly sign of His creation. Before the Word was given to man, God
              created the constellation in the heavens as a picture story of His plan. The beginning of this Hebrew heavenly
              star cycle occurs with the Constellation of Virgo and ends with the Constellation of Leo. Virgo represents Christ
              born of a virgin. Christ is the Lamb of God, who is our Savior and Shepherd. The “True Shepherd or Heavenly
              Shepherd” is symbolized by the Constellation of Orion. In the center of the heavens is Draco, the dragon, who is
              ready to deceive the entire world.  Leo, the Lion’s paws are on the head of the serpent Hydra ready to strike the
              serpent’s head (see the Star Constellation Map at the back of this book).  This is mentioned in Genesis 3:15 where the
              Lord said to the serpent “He (Christ) shall bruise you (serpent) on the head (fatally).” Satan will undoubtedly be
              conquered by Christ. Satan is symbolized by three constellations – Draco, the dragon, Serpens, the serpent, and
              Hydra, the water beast, who has seven heads. All three symbols are used in scripture - Leviathan the twisted serpent of
              the sea in Isaiah 27:1, the Serpent of Old in the Garden of Eden and the Dragon in Revelation.  This all represents the “Grand
              Design” for this world by God from the beginning of creation.

              Those who have understanding will see that there is alignment between the “Heavenly Signs” given by God and
              His Word. This earth was ultimately created for Christ to reign in righteousness with His selected bride. “All
              things came into being through Him…” from John 1:3. The position of the sun, moon and stars in space are uniquely
              given in time. We will use them to fix chronological events in time as prophetic scripture has revealed them. It is
              God’s creation of the heavens with it signs that declares the ultimate truth of the End Times. Christ declared in
              Luke 21:25 “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars and on the earth dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of
              the sea and the waves.” This roaring of the waves is caused by the gravitational forces on the seas creating tides. This
              is due to the multiple planetary eclipses with the sun and the moon during the End Times.  The planetary
              eclipses creating greater gravitational energy than the moon by itself.  God has declared and created these signs in
              the heavens to occur in the Last Days as scripture tells us. Those who have wondered about creation and if the
              Bible is truly from God will definitely get a clear answer to both questions by reading this book. Those who have
              insight will clearly see the “Heavenly Signs” as a “Grand Design” of this visible universe and the alignment of God’s
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