Page 18 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 18
Bethlehem to the west to be Biblically correct. The Magi will need to be able to follow the star from the East. It
needs to be the brightest coalesced object in the sky. Jupiter and its moons (six Jupiter moons identified plus two moons
of Taurus all reflecting light), the earth’s moon, the planet Venus, the crown of stars, Pleiades star cluster, the red
giant star ALDEBARAN, Alpha Tauri, 37 Tauri, (red circle in Taurus Constellation) and the dwarf planet, Ceres, the
smallest planet in our solar system are all coalesced around the moon over the city of Bethlehem. Three of the
brightest objects in the night sky are coalesced overhead which are the moon, Venus and Jupiter plus the Alpha
Tauri, the brightest star in the Taurus Constellation called ALDEBARAN (red letters on sky map). The dwarf planet
of Ceres is the sign of being born of an “Earth Mother.” When it disappears below the earth, it symbolizes “bring
forth” and marks the birth of Christ the Lord in the night sky. We do know that Christ was born at night based on
Luke 2:8. God is now in the flesh on the earth for the redemption of the world. It is why the Bethlehem Star
appears in the Constellation of Taurus. The bull symbolizes the high priest sacrifice. Taurus, the bull has greater
significance than Leo or Pisces. Christ comes not to reign as the Lion, but to become the ultimate sacrifice. He is
currently our Shepherd and High Priest in Heaven. Christ will ultimately return in His glorified body to become
the King of Kings, which is represented by Leo, the Lion. Nevertheless, prior to His reign He must come for His
Bride. The Bride is those believers who are sealed with the Holy Spirit. During the Rapture, they are resurrected
from the dead and receive their glorified bodies. Either event of His return is what we are looking to find signs
for in the heavens. First, we will review further the meaning of the coalesced objects seen as the Bethlehem Star.
Ceres is the smallest dwarf planet in our Solar System. Goddess of the seasons, Demeter means “Earth Mother.” Ceres' name
may derive from the root *ker, meaning "to grow", which is also a possible root for many English words, such as "create", "cereal",
"grow", "kernel", "corn", and "increase". The word "ceres" derived from the Latin verb meaning “to bear”, or “bring forth”.
March 11, 5 BC Star of Bethlehem: Looking West
Take a closer look at Venus' glyph, or symbol. It shows spirit (circle) over a cross. Grace, charm, and beauty are all
ruled by Venus. It is also the symbol of female or woman.
Venus: The planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of “Love” and “Beauty.” After the moon, it is the
second brightest natural object in the night sky, reaching an apparent magnitude of −4.9, bright enough to cast
shadows onto the earth. This planet has a role of representing a “female or woman” as well as “love” based upon the
glyph or symbol used to represent the planet Venus. This symbolizes the woman, who is Israel from the tribe of
Judah. Both the Lamb and the Lion must come from the tribe of Judah to fulfill Old Testament prophecy.