Page 11 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
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and the nation of Israel and is recognized by today’s world in which we live as well as in ancient times There are
three sets of blood moons or lunar eclipses that corresponded to significant events in the past. The Spanish
Inquisition’s final year 1492 when the Alhambra Decree ordered all remaining Jews who would not convert to
Christianity to leave Spain. The Israeli 1948 War of Independence and the 1967 Israeli Six-Day War had back-to-
back blood red moons occur on the first day of Passover and Sukkot as well as the following year. The other
blood moons were in 162/163 AD, 795/796 AD, 842/843 AD and 860/861 AD. Solar eclipses have been
interpreted as bad omens or forewarnings. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Thales of Miletus
predicted an eclipse that occurred during a war between the Medians and the Lydians. Both sides put down their
weapons and declared peace as a result of the eclipse. The Trojan War and the final battle of the Iliad occurred
during a solar eclipse on June 11, 1312 BC. Numerous historical wars have occurred during a total solar eclipse.
There are a maximum of seven eclipses that can occur in any year. It is interesting to find that the size of the
moon and the distance from the sun allows for a total eclipse to occur. This tells of an intelligent designer, the
Creator of this world. Therefore, the sun and moon must have some importance as a sign in the heavens.
Total Solar Eclipse with the moon – Designed by the Creator Red Blood Moon – Lunar Eclipse (NASA)
What is meant by God saying “And I will grant wonders in the sky above”? The Hebrew word for “wonder” is תֵפֹ מ
mopheth: a wonder, sign, portent – marvel. A “wonder” would be an unusual event in the heavens (you should marvel at
it) such as: stars changing their relative positions in the same star cluster, or radiant light above the heavens
changing direction and then coming down onto the earth during the same day. It is an amazing wonder that God
had set the motion of these heavenly bodies at the time of creation to be used as “signs.” This includes the
Bethlehem Star marking the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ in time and in space. This heavenly event showed the
Magi the birth of a King. What will be the signs for the End Times? Remember, God has also named all the fixed
stars, wandering stars, and constellations in the sky. There must be significance to the names as well as the
motion in the heavens given to us as signs. We need to interpret them correctly based upon the meaning given by
their names in the heavens above. The Pharisees asked Christ to show them a sign from heaven. Christ
responded with the following question “Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of
the times” from Matthew 16:3. They were not like the Magi, who understood a heavenly sign of the Messiah, the
King given at Christ’s birth. The sign was so effective that they made a long journey to worship the King with
gifts they brought with them. The Magi had the correct understanding to interpret the heavens with the signs
7 Thomas, R. L. (1998). New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek dictionaries : Updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation
Publications, Inc.