Page 26 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 26
Light Tunnel
A light tunnel has been described by those who have had a Near-Death Experience, NDE. This tunnel
experience is moving up or through a passageway or staircase. This is similar to Jacob’s ladder as described in
Genesis. They have also described a “powerful light” and “levitation” during an out-of-body experience. Do
believers in their glorified bodies levitate up to heaven through the visible light tunnel in their visible bodies? It is
amazing to find a painting dating back to 1504 AD that depicts a light tunnel. It has been known for centuries
that once a body dies the spirit leaves the body and departs to another world. The spiritual domain is either
Heaven or the underworld in the depths of the earth and seas. Is this NDE light tunnel the transition from this
visible world to the invisible spiritual domain?
Tunnel Experience:
A sense of peace, well-being and
painlessness. Positive emotions. A
feeling of being removed from the
An out-of-body experience. A
perception of one's body from an
outside position “levitation”.
A "tunnel experience." A sense
of moving up, or through, a
passageway or staircase.
A rapid movement toward and/or
sudden immersion in a “powerful
light.” Communication with the
Being presented with knowledge
about one's life and the nature of
the universe.
A decision by oneself or others to
return to one's body, often
accompanied by a reluctance to
Approaching a border.
An intense feeling of unconditional
Encountering "Beings of Light",
"beings dressed in white", or
spiritual beings.
John 1:51
And He said to him (Nathanael), “Truly,
truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens
opened and the angels of God ascending
and descending on the Son of Man.”
Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus (1504)
A near-death experience (NDE) refers to a broad range of personal experiences associated with impending death,
encompassing multiple possible sensations including detachment from the body; feelings of levitation; extreme fear; total serenity,
security, or warmth; the experience of absolute dissolution; and the presence of a light.