Page 21 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 21


                                  CHAPTER 3: LIGHT TUNNEL

                                                                    Pleiades: Crown
                                                                37 Tauri .



              June 2393 Sunrise, the sun is eclipsed by Mars, Mercury and the Moon

              This must be an important heavenly sign with “six” planets overhead, the number of man. Could the “six”
              represent the “Son of Man” coming? This is the eclipse of the sun with both planets of Mars (War) and Mercury
              (Antichrist) and the moon radiates sunlight upward and not upon the earth. The dual planetary eclipses with the
              moon and sun would make roaring waves. This is caused by the gravitational forces on the seas creating tides.
              This would be a sign on the earth as mentioned in scripture. Both Jupiter and Orion are close to the earth. Orion
              has the meaning of “True Shepherd.” Is it time for Christ, the Shepherd, to gather His Sheep from this earth?

                   Mars, the god of war, is the ruler over bloody war.
                   Mercury, the messenger of the gods, represents a deceptive communicator and ruler, the Antichrist.

                   Jupiter, the king of the gods, recognized as the Messianic star that symbolizes the Messiah, Christ.
                   Constellation of Orion represents the Babylonian “True Shepherd or Heavenly Shepherd,” Christ.

              This heavenly sign is packed with numerous heavenly objects. This includes the moon’s radiant light that is
              shining on the second brightest object in the sky which is Venus, the planet of “love”.  Pluto represents the
              underworld. Could this represent the resurrection of the dead? Observe, the Constellation of Orion is just above
              the treetops. Jupiter, which is also seen just above the earth, symbolizes the Messiah.  It is the heavenly sign of
              Christ. It states “…then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky” as mentioned in Matthew 24:30.  Matthew’s
              account is similar to Mark’s description except for the word “immediately” is inserted “after the tribulation.”  Christ
              in His Olivet Discourse mentions that the Tribulation is followed by a Great Tribulation and desecration of the
              Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Because of this phrase “after the tribulation,” most pre-tribulation scholars believe that
              these passages relate to Christ’s return to reign upon this earth. But, Christ when He comes to reign will come as
              the Lion of Judah, which is represented by the Constellation of Leo. The Lion symbolizes Judgment and Wrath
              of God. The Lion is not present; it is the “True Shepherd” that is seen during the gathering of His Elect. Scholars
              seem to miss the significance of the statement; we will see the “SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE
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