Page 107 - Heavenly Signs II by Mel Gable
P. 107


                     CHAPTER 11: DRAGON THROWN DOWN

                             37 Tauri   .

                            Pleiades or Seven Sisters: Crown


               September 2393 Radiant light on the Constellation of Draco: Dragon on the earth

              This is the heavenly sign of the Dragon, the Constellation of Draco. Satan is being thrown to the earth by the
              God of Judah, which is represented by the Constellation Leo, the Lion on the right side of the skies. The left
              image is the Pleiades or Seven Sisters cluster; it is the Dragon’s crown representing his lost power, authority and
              access to Heaven.  Satan must bear God’s Judgment of this earth with mankind during the Great Tribulation.

              Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky. Its name is Latin for dragon. Draco is circumpolar (that is, never
              setting) for many observers in the northern hemisphere. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd
              century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. The star Thuban (α
              Draconis) was the northern pole star around 2700 BC, which was during the time of the ancient Egyptians.

              Draco is Latin for “dragon” from Greek dracon. “Dragon” seems to be a term for any mysterious snakelike creature in mythology.
              Dragons are often depicted as having a snake body on four feet. There is no fossil evidence for dragons ever having existed.  The
              forked tongue (multiple tongues, language from lingua, tongue) of serpents seems to mean; interpretation, and the potential for

              The serpent in the Garden of Eden in dialogue with Eve tells her that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil had a different
              interpretation to what she understood it to be. She says that even if she touches the tree she will die. The serpent responds that she will
              not die, rather she would become like a god, knowing good and evil.  From:

              What does scripture say about this sign appearing in the heavens relating to the dragon which had seven
              diadems? The sign in the heavens is the Seven Sisters’ star cluster that represents the seven diadems crown. This
              is described in Revelation 12:3 with the statement “another sign appeared in heaven: …..dragon having … on his heads
              were seven diadems.” We will see from this point forward that Orion, the “True Shepherd” is replaced with Leo the
              Lion, the symbol of God’s Wrath. Likewise, this is the start of the Great Tribulation, which begun when His
              Bride was gathered from this earth. We saw the Lion was represented by Christ in the previous chapter.
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