Page 52 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
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              of iron and nickel. The goal of nucleosynthesis is to understand the vastly differing abundances of the chemical
              elements and their several isotopes as being a result of natural history. The primary stimulus to the development
              of this theory was the shape of the natural abundances. Those abundances, when plotted on a graph as a
              function of the atomic number of the element. They have a jagged saw-tooth structure varying by factors up to
              ten million. A very influential stimulus to nucleosynthesis was an abundance table by Hans Suess and Harold
              Urey based on the abundances of the non-volatile elements within meteorites.
              With the formation of stars, heavier nuclei were created from hydrogen and helium by stellar nucleosynthesis, a
              process that continues today. Some of these elements, particularly those lighter than iron, are thought to be
              delivered to the interstellar medium in the last stages of dying low mass stars. Supernova nucleosynthesis which
              are nuclear reactions within exploding stars, is responsible for the abundant elements between magnesium
              (A=24) and nickel (A=60). Supernova nucleosynthesis is also thought to be responsible for the creation of
              elements heavier than iron and nickel in the last few seconds of the explosion of a supernova.
              General Relativity

              So, where did the water come from which was the material that created the cosmos? In physics, in particular
              Special and General Relativity, the mass–energy equivalence is the concept that the mass of a body is a measure
              of its energy content. In this concept, mass is a property of all energy and energy is a property of all mass and the
              two properties are connected by a constant. Albert Einstein proposed mass–energy equivalence in 1905 in one of
              his “Annus Mirabilis” papers entitled “Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content”?  The equivalence is

              described by the famous equation E = mc . E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. The formula is
              dimensionally consistent and does not depend on any specific system of measurement units. The equation
              E = mc  indicates that energy always exhibits relativistic mass in whatever form the energy takes. Mass–energy
              equivalence does imply that mass may be “converted” to energy, it allows for “matter” to be converted to energy.
              Man has been able to use this formula to produce nuclear weapons. However, with God it is possible to convert
              energy into matter. This is something that man has been unable to do. Is this God’s formula for this world and
              universe in which He created? The constant in the equation E = mc  is the speed of light. We know from
              scripture that God is Light. We also know that He will illuminate the New Heaven and Earth once this earth is
              destroyed with fire. The energy of His spoken voice created this visible universe.

              1 John 1:5 “This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in
              Him there is no darkness at all.”
              Genesis 1:14-15 “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day
              from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; and let them be for
              lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth” and it was so.”
              Some say that the cosmos is billions of years old. But, is there another answer to explain starlight and time? Yes,
              there is General Relativity that can bring an answer. In General Relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in
              space-time beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In common terms it is defined as “the point of
              no return.” It is the point at which the gravitational pull becomes great enough as to make escape impossible. The
              most common case of an event horizon is that surrounding a black hole. Light emitted from beyond the horizon
              can never reach the observer. Likewise, any object approaching the horizon from the observer's side appears to

              75  H.E. Suess and H.C. Urey, Abundances of the elements, Revs. Mod. Phys., 28, 53 (1957).

              76  Wagoner, Robert (1973-01-15). "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Revisited" (pdf). The Astrophysical Journal 179: 343–360.

              77  Paul Allen Tipler, Ralph A. Llewellyn (2003-01), Modern Physics, W. H. Freeman and Company, pp. 87–88.
              78  New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (1 John 1:5, Gen 1:14). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
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