Page 114 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 114
We know Halley’s Comet was seen in 66 AD before the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. This occurred four
years prior to the destruction. This Comet Nevski-Novichonok appears in the sky four years prior to the sign of
war as seen in the previous picture in this chapter. In Biblical numerology the meaning of four relates to this
world. Let us take a look at the trajectory or path, the comet is on. It will first come in proximity to the star of
Regulus, known as the king star, in the Constellation of Leo. We know that Leo, the lion symbolizes God’s
Wrath and Judgment. Comet Nevski-Novichonok next passes near the planet of Mars. We know that this “bloody
red” planet represents war when it is coalesced with the sun and moon. We see the sign of war in 2017 over the
United States. As the comet becomes brighter it approaches another bright star of Spica in the Constellation of
Virgo. Virgo represents Christ born of a virgin, which can symbolize Christianity. The comet finally passes near
the planet of Saturn which we have learned represents land and harvest time.
The Islamic nations of the Middle East and Africa have not legalized homosexual acts. This is unlike the
Christian nations of the world that have slowly legalized sodomy and homosexual behavior including same-sex
marriage. We do know that the United States has been attacked before by Islamic terrorists. There is also a shout
for “Jihad,” a Moslem holy war, against infidels. Infidels include both Jews and Christian to the Islamic faith. Will
there be cities saved during the judgment of this nation? If no judgment comes, how could God be considered
righteous in the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah? Will it be through fire and brimstone that God will judge the
Sodomites of this nation? Will God use an asteroid, a comet or an atomic bomb to purge the wickedness from
this land? We have seen that God will use a comet as a warning for His coming judgment. God created the
heavens to declare signs to the nations. God had used the Old Testament prophets to declare to the nation of
Israel that judgment was coming and to fear the Lord. In the Isaiah 9:10 passage of scripture quoted by President
Obama, God used the Assyrians to conquer Israel during the time they did not acknowledge or seek God. It is
the lawlessness of this nation that will result in the “U.S. Eagle Falling.” Deuteronomy 23:14 says “Since the LORD
your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and
He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you.” This nation must not do “anything indecent” or
God will no longer provide protection from its enemies.
Total Eclipse - Darkness
August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse from Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans viewed from New York City – Sign of God’s Wrath