Page 113 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 113
The decisions made during Obama’s second term in office will have a drastic effect on the future of the United
States. These effects could include its financial viability as a nation as well as its security against Islamic radical
terrorist attacks. These Islamic terrorists will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. How could this country ignore
for decades the nuclear threat that exists from Pakistan? If a logical decision was made the first priority should
have been Pakistan and not Iraq and Afghanistan that we invaded. Pakistan is the land of Islamic terrorist training
and the land that has weapons of mass-destruction which are in the form of nuclear weapons. Most Islamic
countries have limited range missiles that can easily reach 300 mile targets. International waters are usually after
12 nautical miles from the shores. Even if that distance were increased by a factor of ten, these missiles could
reach our major coastal cities on both the west and east coasts of the United States. Most of our naval ships have
been deployed into the Persian Gulf region. If Islamic terrorist were to attack the U.S. naval bases where repairs
are made, then it would jeopardize the ongoing viability of our naval force. This includes our aircraft carrier fleet
as well. A prime example is the Naval Station at Norfolk which can easily be reached by a missile attack off the
coast of Virginia. Our nation’s Capital in Washington D.C. is also in range of these limited range missiles. The
major cities of New York and Boston are very reachable as well. Both Washington D.C. and New York City
came under attack previously in 9/11. Could this be a forewarning of the likely targets that the Islamic nation
would again attack with nuclear weapons of war?
Forewarning of the Sword
The Israelites were being slaughtered because of David's sin of taking a census of the people. Could this sword
that is stretched out from the earth to heaven be for the United States and not for the nation of Israel? In 1
Chronicles 21:16, it says “Then David lifted up his eyes and saw the angel of the LORD standing between earth and heaven, with
his drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. We know that God judges other wicked nations that were
around Israel. If we look at the picture of the Comet Nevski-Novichonok over New York City, it looks more like
a drawn sword than when it appears over Jerusalem. Should this be interpreted as a forewarning to this nation of
the coming judgment? This empire has fallen into sin and lawlessness. Lawlessness came through the Supreme
Court’s ruling of equal protection for homosexuals and women’s rights to kill human beings in the womb. The
Supreme Court in 2005 ruled that we could not teach our children about intelligent design. Will this nation be
surprised about the coming events when the Creator has put signs in the heavens? Is that intelligent design?
December 9, 2013 Comet Nevski-Novichonok over New York City – Sword in the Sky – Forewarning of Coming Judgment