Page 60 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 60
February 20, 1993 Six days prior to the Bombing of the World Trade Center as seen above New York City at sunrise
The constellations visible in the sky during the daytime are Ophiuchus and Serpens. Ophiuchus is depicted as a
man grasping a serpent; the interposition of his body divides the snake constellation Serpens into two parts,
Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda. Serpens shows up in the heavens with radiant light upon it.
Serpens & Ophiuchus
The serpent itself is represented and is
given two identities. Stars to the west
are those of the head, Serpens Caput,
while the tail section, Serpens Cauda,
writhes eastward toward Aquila, above
the shield of Scutum. One of the most
interesting objects that you can't see in
Ophiuchus is the Pipe nebula. The
Serpent, Satan, has power over death.
Hebrews 2:14-15 “….power of death,
that is, the devil; “
Serpens and Ophiuchus depicting the Serpent and its Charmer (Aspin, 1825)
Is this a warning from God? Is the target of the World Trade Center Towers symbolic in any way to man’s pride?
Did man need to call on God for protection? Has this nation gotten so prideful that it doesn’t see a need to pray
to God? There is a lack of understanding of the protective arm of God in this bombing. Was this to be a wakeup
call for America? For, we know through scripture that the devil has power over death.
It wasn’t until the 2001 terrorist attack on these Towers that this nation turned to God. Attendance was up in
U.S. church services following the terrorist attack. But within a few months, the attendance returned to normal.
We were no longer seeking God’s wisdom in the following years as a nation. It was approximately forty years
since the Supreme Court ruled to take prayer and reading of the Bible out of public schools.