Page 38 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 38


              Wade.” Even though in his first term of election debates he said “it was above his pay grade” to make such a
              decision. If it is above his pay grade, then who should man consult except God Himself?

              Nevertheless, the President of the United States doesn’t control the law of the land. This explains a lot about this
              country when the courts make the supreme law of the land independent of the opinion of “We the People.” It has
              been suggested by today’s justices that the decision should have been left to the states to decide. Is there a sign in
              the heavens for the decision by the Supreme Court on abortion?

              February 1973 Heavenly Sign of a Woman, Virgo giving Birth and the Sign of Deception – Serpens over Washington D.C.

              The radiant light from the moon reflects onto the woman whose head is down to the earth and legs in the air. Just as a
              baby is typically born head down first. This woman is the Constellation of Virgo. It symbolizes the virgin birth. Its
              name is Latin for virgin and its symbol is    .  To the east of Virgo is the Constellation of Libra, which
              represents the “Scales of Justice.” Further to the east are the Constellation of Serpens and Neptune both of which
              are signs of deception. The negative manifestations of Neptune include deception, trickery, deceit and guilt.

                                                                         Constellation of Virgo:

                                                                         The figure of Virgo corresponds to two
                                                                         Babylonian constellations - the 'Furrow' in
                                                                         the eastern sector of Virgo and the 'Frond
                                                                         of Erua' in the western sector. The Frond
                                                                         of Erua was depicted as a goddess holding
                                                                         a palm-frond - a motif. The Greeks and
                                                                         Romans associated Virgo with their
                                                                         goddess of wheat, Demeter-Ceres who is
                                                                         the mother of Proserpina-Persephone.
                                                                         Alternatively, she was sometimes
                                                                         identified as the virgin goddess. In the
                                                                         Middle-Ages, Virgo was sometimes
                                                                         associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

              Virgo depicted as a Virgin or Goddess (Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825)
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