Page 32 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 32
June 1963 “Sign of Hydra” the Serpent of the sea with many heads – the devil deceived a nation – Washington D.C.
The sun is draped by the moon which radiates light at her feet. There is Hydra just above the horizon. The
Constellation of Hydra represents a serpent-like water beast. Isaiah 27:1 states “In that day the LORD will punish
Leviathan the fleeing serpent…..and he will kill the dragon who lives in the sea.” Beneath the waters was an entrance to
the “underworld” and the Hydra was its guardian. This heavenly sign is seen over Washington D.C. It must
symbolize a nation that has been deceived by Satan, who is represented by the Constellation of Hydra.
The Supreme Court justices may have lost their way. They must not have chosen to call upon the Lord their God
for wisdom. It is a decision from the highest court in America to side with atheism. Woe to a nation that doesn’t
honor the Creator, the Almighty God before this nation. Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe to those who call evil good and good
evil, who substitute darkness for light...” Hydra is said to have seven heads, which represent the kings of authority over
the kingdom. Did the seven heads symbolize the seven justices that were in favor of taking Bible reading out of
the schools? There was only one justice that was not in favor of taking God out of the schools. The final
decision in the Abington School District v. Schempp case was decided on June 17, 1963?
Hydra – Serpent:
In Greek mythology, the
Lernaean Hydra (Ancient
Greek: Λερναία Ὕδρα) was an
ancient nameless serpent-like
chthonic water beast, with
reptilian traits, that possessed
many (seven) heads. The seven
heads of the dragon represent
seven kings of the kingdom.
Hydra was the guardian of the
Constellation of Hydra depicted as Water Serpent (Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825)