Page 104 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 104


              aircraft. Yet, Israel defeated its enemies to the north, east and south of them. The United States, when it comes
              to defending Israel, wants to be neutral in its position. Is this in defiance of God? We as Christians do not believe
              in the same God as Islam, Allah. Yet, we as a nation do not want to take sides. Independent of the fact that the
              United States and France both cut off supplying arms, Israel still won the battle in six days. It is an astonishing
              defeat by a small nation over its overwhelming enemies. Whose side would you like to be on? Which God would
              you like to serve Allah or the Almighty God, the Creator of this universe?

              Sword in the Heavens – 2013

              A comet is generally thought to be a bad omen and a forewarning. There are two comets that will arrive in 2013.
              The first is Pan-STARRS C/2011 L4 is a non-periodic comet discovered in June 2011. It is expected to be visible
              to the naked eye when it is near its perihelion (nearest point to the sun) on March 10, 2013. The comet will glow
              brighter than any comet in the past six years. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, this could be the brightest
              easy-to-view comet since the 1990s. The second comet, Nevski-Novichonok C/2012 S1, is on its way in late
              November 2013 which was discussed in the last chapter.  Is this concept of being a bad omen a valid one or is it
              merely a superstitious tradition? You can draw your own conclusion from scripture in I Chronicles 21:16.

              Much of what was prophesied by Christ in the Olivet Discourse relates to heavenly signs for the End Times. But,
              Christ predicts the destruction of the Temple. The Temple was dismantled to the extent that there was not one
              stone left upon another. Jerusalem’s Temple was destroyed. Prior to those events, numerous warnings had been
              given, among them many miracles involving the Temple, which are documented in Josephus Book of Antiquities.
              In conjunction with these our miraculous events, the comet named today as Haley's made its appearance in 66
              AD. Being a periodic visitor every 76 years, this would not have been particularly noteworthy.  This spectacular
              display that year is duly recorded by the historian Josephus – “stretched out over Jerusalem like a sword.”


              Pan-STARRS C/2011 L4 - Comet over Dead Sea on March 11, 2013

              The Pan-STARRS comet is seen in the skies with the sun and moon radiating light. An eclipse is considered a
              bad omen as well as a comet in the skies. But, a solar eclipse is seen as a warning to the world and not to Israel.
              The comet's appearance at that time may have been a similar event to what is described in I Chronicles 21:16.
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