Page 46 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 46
Could there just be a simply straight forward view or interpretation of this passage in Revelation 8:10? It appears
the Apostle John’s vision is true to reality as seen in the heavens. Let us first take a look at the event of the third
angel’s trumpet being sounded. We can clearly see in the skies above the “burning like a torch.” What is this object
in the sky? Is it a falling star, asteroid or a comet that is seen in the heavens? We will soon see this is Jacob’s
comet by its name. This comet has been known to pass the earth several times in past history.
We shall look at the meaning of “wormwood” in the following verse in Revelation and the significance of this term
used in scripture. We will see how this comet will produce the “poisonous and bitter waters” as described in
Revelation 8:11 and other scripture passages.
Giacobini-Zinner Comet
October 2394 Comet coming down to earth burning like a torch in the heavens
The Comet Giacobini–Zinner brings a bright plasma tail to the night skies by the middle of the month. It is as if
the view of burning like a torch is described in the scripture that brings in the Third Trumpet Judgment. The
Comet Giacobini–Zinner is the parent body associated with many meteor showers, called the Draconids.
The comet was discovered by Michel Giacobini from (Nice, France), who observed the comet in the constellation of Aquarius on
December 20, 1900. It appeared again two passages later by Ernst Zinner (from Bamberg, Germany) while observing variable stars
near Beta Scuti on October 23, 1913. Giacobini–Zinner was the target of the International Cometary Explorer spacecraft, which
passed through its plasma tail on September 11, 1985. It is the parent body of the Draconids meteor showers. This comet is
especially noteworthy as it is one of a small number of comets that can produce very spectacular meteor showers under the right
conditions. The meteor display is variously referred to as the Draconids, October Draconids, and the Giacobinids. The meteor shower
occurs around October of each year, but is usually unrecognizable; however, meteor storms occurred in 1933 and 1946 which
produced several thousand meteors within an hour at maximum. The October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the
Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.
The name Giacobini is derived from the Hebrew, “Yaakov” or Jacob, meaning: following-after*. How interesting,
that the Draconids are remnants of “Comet Jacob” and are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore.
57 Gary W. Kronk’s Cometography on 21P/Giacobini-Zinner,