Page 42 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 42
Winds that blow upon the sea to destroy the ships (GNU)
In recent times, an underwater earthquake occurred that was in the Ocean of South East Asia (Indonesia). It did
significant damage and destruction to the land in the region, because of the after affect of a Tsunami wave hitting
the land. An Israeli team was sent to the Tsunami-hit region of South East Asia to bury the dead Jews. This
effort was done so that the Jews would not be buried in proximity to a Gentile grave.
While the whole world had sent aid to the tsunami hit South East Asia, Israel forwarded a team entrusted with a unique task. Not
many Israeli tourists were swept away by the giant waves – official death toll stands at three, with some twenty missing; not many
comparing with a hundred thousand Indonesians or even with three thousand Swedes. Still the Israeli teams were very active on the
ground. The highly trained experts led by Rabbi Meshi Zahav did not go to save trapped survivors or alleviate suffering of millions;
their job was to save dead Jews from fate worse than death – that is to be buried with the goyim in the same grave.
This is a part and parcel of Jewish faith, the pinnacle of “The Nation Shall Dwell Alone” commandment – Jews are not supposed to
live or to die with non-Jews. Their separate burial is necessary to guarantee their bodily resurrection when Messiah comes. A Jewish
body defiled by gentile proximity won’t be resurrected, according to the Jews. Even irreligious Jews follow this separation rule without
giving it a second thought. From
The bodies of those who are saved will not be defiled. God has also promised to nourish those who are alive
during the second-half of the Great Tribulation and during God’s Wrath upon the earth. The most important
fact taught in the End Times scripture is that God continues to watch over Israel, even in the time of Israel’s
great distress. God will seal His people and protect them during these trials and tribulation by sending them into
the wilderness. Those who have “understanding” God will nourish them for 1260 days during the Great
Tribulation. He also protects them from Satan’s destruction during a flood.
June 2394: we have arrived at the timeframe of the Second Trumpet Judgment. The second trumpet relates to
the destruction of a third of sea creatures and a third of ships in the sea. The significance of three in Bible
numerology is that three means - a divinely given event. We shall see one-third again used with the Trumpet
Judgments: first, second, third and fourth. This is followed by the last three Trumpet Judgments which scholars