Page 118 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 118
The number 6 represents “man” in Biblical numerology, which was stated in the above passage. The three times
or triple repeat of the number six has the meaning of God given, chosen, or willed. This is just like the Wrath of
God which occurs in order of three or thirds on the earth. Many scholars have tried to determine the name of
the beast through the Greek letter encoding of his proper or given name.
In the simplest terms, the triple six represents the Antichrist as “God’s willed” man or messenger for the End
Times who is used to deceive mankind from the truth. This is why Apostles Paul and John both said “God sent” a
deluding influence into this world so that they all may be judged who don’t believe the truth. This is why planet
Mercury, the messenger of the gods, represents the Antichrist. If this is a “God’s willed” messenger during the End
Times, then is there a sign in the heavens for his birth and his “crown of authority” being given by God?
Pleiades: Crown
37 Tauri
May 2394 Antichrist given authority by God at Age Forty
The presence of the star 37 Tauri and the Pleiades “crown of authority” are given to the Antichrist by God at his
fortieth birthday. This is just four days prior to the “abomination of desolation” of the Temple. The desecration of
the Temple marks the forty-two months in the middle of the Tribulation. The Antichrist is given authority by
God four days prior to this event. His defeat in battle comes to an end three days prior to Christ’s reign on this
earth, which marks the end of the Tribulation. We know the planet Mercury represents the Antichrist. Notice,
the Constellation of Orion is down near the earth that represents Christ as the “True Shepherd.”
It is astonishing to find a heavenly sign associated with the birth of the Antichrist. There is authority given to the
Antichrist at the time of his birth, and again for forty-two months prior to the end of the Great Tribulation. We
also know through scripture there is significance to the number forty. It rained for forty nights and days during
the Great Flood. Christ was tempted by Satan for forty days and nights as well. The twelve tribes of Israel lived
in the desert for forty years, due to their sin against God.
This fulfillment of scripture makes a statement that God has controlled this world from the beginning of creation
to the End of Times with a plan of salvation for those who believe in the truth. Does scripture have any
description of the Antichrist’s birth or his previous descendants or family history? The only reference we have is
from the Apostle Paul about the man of lawlessness, who we have determined is the Antichrist.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy
comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,