Page 115 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 115
This verse makes the statement that Christ the Lord will put His feet on the Mount of Olives, which overlooks
Jerusalem. There will be a great earthquake that splits the mountains from the north to the south. This is
followed by a statement later in Zechariah 14:9 that the Lord will become King over all the earth. What is the
heavenly sign seen over Jerusalem to determine the time of the Antichrist being defeated in battle? It must
include the planet Jupiter, the Messianic star, and the planet Mercury that represents the Antichrist.
Serpens Caput
Serpens Cauda
November 2397 Victory over Antichrist: eclipse of Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus with the sun
It is the triple eclipse of the sun with Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. This rare event of a triple planet eclipse
brings complete darkness to the earth. This occurs three days prior to Christ’s reign on the earth. Remember, the
Antichrist was given authority four days prior to the desolation of the Temple. Based upon scripture, he was
given authority for forty-two months. This sign includes the planet Jupiter, the Messianic star. The sun is eclipsed
with the planets Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus. Uranus represents the lord of the heavens, the Deity of Christ.
Mercury's glyph, or symbol, resembles that of Venus, with the addition of a semi-circle (horns) at the top. This symbol is
an inverted cross with horns above the head. The horns represent Satan empowered.
Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the ruler of Gemini. Gemini represents Satan’s “Great Twins” - both
the Antichrist and the False Prophet (Book: “Heavenly Signs – Grand Design for the Rapture”). Mercury has the
meaning of magician, juggling impressions taken in through sight, sound, the intellect and creating patterns that
form your perception. This planet also symbolizes controlling thoughts and impressions with its horns and cross
oriented glyph. Mercury is a sign of the Antichrist, the beast, or the man of lawlessness as described in the Bible.
Mercury not only rules communication, it represents controlling thoughts. Thought processes, ideas and sensory
information from both unconscious and conscious sources all need to be coordinated and understood.
Jupiter represents the King of Righteousness. The Hebrew name for Jupiter is Tzedeq, which means “righteousness.”
Thus, we see Jupiter as representing the King of Righteousness, or The Righteous Ruler. Jupiter has long been recognized
as a Messianic star, being associated with the Messiah.
207 New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Zec 14:3–4). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.