Page 96 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
P. 96
Because of the sun’s glare, one of the best times to see the comet’s tail is just at sunrise or sunset. The computer
generated image is just at sunrise. But, on its path towards our sun there are other effects that can occur. As the
object passes the giant planet, Jupiter, its gravity is affected. This can affect the subsequent orbits of the comet.
Perhaps, this 2013 comet is taking a million years to orbit the sun. Jupiter may cause the orbit length to increase
or decrease. Jupiter may also deflect the orbit. This is an unlikely possibility; but it has happened before. Comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 was so affected and it soon crashed into the planet Jupiter. Comet Nevski-Novichonok is not
likely to collide with the planet. However, its orbit may not be exactly stable after the 2013 close approach.
Comet: Nevski-Novichonok
Comet Nevski-Novichonok on November 28, 2013 at sunrise over the Dead Sea
In October, the comet will pass through the constellation Leo, passing near Leo's brightest star Regulus and then passing near Mars
in the night sky, and these brighter objects might make the comet easier to locate. In November, when the comet is brighter, it will
sweep another bright star in our sky, Spica in the constellation Virgo, and another planet, Saturn. Around the time the comet
reaches its perihelion on 28 November, it may become extremely bright if it remains intact, probably reaching a negative magnitude. It
may briefly become brighter than the full Moon. From:
Is the trajectory or path the comet is on have some significance? It will first come in proximity to the star of
Regulus, known as the king star, in the Constellation of Leo. We know that Leo, the lion symbolizes God’s
Wrath and Judgment. Comet Nevski-Novichonok next passes near the planet of Mars. We know that this “bloody
red” planet represents war. As the comet becomes brighter, it approaches another bright star of Spica in the
Constellation of Virgo. Virgo represents Christ born of a virgin. This can be symbolic of Christianity. The comet
finally passes near the planet of Saturn which we have learned represents land and harvest time. Could this be a
warning from God? We know Halley’s Comet was seen in 66 AD before the destruction of the Temple in 70
AD. It is also known that if a comet is seen in the heavens it is considered a bad omen. The Nevski-Novichonok
Comet is followed by four blood moons over Israel, which is an omen for the nation of Israel.
Is this comet a bad omen? The Islamic nations of the Middle East and Africa have not legalized homosexual acts.
This is unlike the Christian nations of the world that have slowly legalized sodomy and homosexual behavior
including same-sex marriage. We do know that the United States has been attacked before by Islamic terrorists.
Was the 9/11 attack a forewarning by our enemies? We know Pakistan possesses plutonium nuclear weapons
and Iran is preparing nuclear weapons to use against nations that do not believe in Islam. There is also a shout
for “Jihad,” a Holy War, against infidels. To Islamic faith, infidels include both Jews and Christians.