Page 86 - Heavenly Signs III by Mel Gable
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process, and raising the debt ceiling does not have any direct impact on the budget deficit. The U.S. President
proposes a federal budget every year. This budget details projected tax collections and outlays. If there is a
budget deficit, then the amount of borrowing needs to submit as part of the proposal. Congress creates specific
appropriation bills which authorize spending, which are signed into law by the President.
U.S. Gross National Debt United States Constitution:
Under Article I Section 8 of the
United States Constitution, Congress
has the sole power to borrow money
on the credit of the United States.
From the founding of the United
States until 1917, Congress directly
authorized each individual debt
2008 issuance separately. In order to
provide more flexibility to finance the
United States' involvement in World
2001 War I, Congress modified the method
by which it authorizes debt in the
Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917.
Under this act Congress established
an aggregate limit, or "ceiling," on
the total amount of bonds that could
be issued.
U.S. Debt over the past Forty Years (U.S. Treasury)
It has been forty years, since the Supreme Court ruled on abortion and fifty years from taking prayer out of the
schools. The debt has grown in relationship to the evil laws that have been instituted by this country. Could this
be a measure of the extent of the cup of iniquity being filled up? When will it become full? It seems to be in
direct proportion to the debt. We continue as a country to make it lawful to do evil in the eyes of God. What
does the Bible say about debts?
Proverbs 22:26 “Do not be among those who give pledges, Among those who become guarantors for
debts. “
It is clearly stated that we should not become guarantors of debt. So, how can we separate ourselves from this
indebted nation of ours? Believers must tell this nation to turn away from its unlawful ways. If as a country it will
turn from its evil and wicked ways, God said He will heal this land. But, this nation who says it “Trusts in God”
shows no forgiveness in its evil prideful ways. It is why God forewarned us through the destruction of the Twin
Towers and the Stock Marker crash in 2001. It was to give mankind the message and a sign from God. The
second warning of judgment comes with wealth being removed from this land. There is no bright outlook on
this nation based upon it fundamental principles. For, this nation believes it is the rights of each individual to
pursue happiness but not pursue God. The founding fathers didn’t want a nation that rejected God. They wanted
separation of church and state so that they could choose to worship God the way they thought best. It was not
to make this country into an atheistic form of government. The U.S. Senate opens in prayer. Do Senators truly
believe God can provide them with wisdom? What will happen to this nation when God’s blessing is removed?
144 "A Brief History of the U.S. Federal Debt Limit". 2010-01-28.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. 1995 (Pr 22:26). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.