Page 99 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 99
Christ's future reign on earth was prophesied by most of the prophets in the Old Testament. His Second
Coming is mentioned more times in the Bible than His first, which may be one reason why the Jewish nation has
been so blind to the Lord Jesus claiming to be the Messiah. Few Jews could understand how their “Reigning”
Messiah could also be a “Suffering Servant.” Sadly many Christians also fail to understand how their “Suffering
Servant” could be a reigning King. The fact that Christ will reign from Jerusalem as King of Kings and Lord of
Lords, is clearly spelled out in Scripture. This visible world will become His Kingdom.
Christ as King
Revelation 11:15-16 “Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven,
“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will
reign forever and ever.”
16 And the twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped
17 saying,
“We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who are and who were, because You have taken
Your great power and have begun to reign.”
The seventh angel blew the last trumpet. The number seven means fullness or completeness. The creation of this
world was completed and finished prior to the seventh day. The End Times will be completed when the seventh
angel of the Trumpet Judgments and the seventh angel of the Bowls of Wrath occur. This is the end of the seven
years of Tribulation. It is amazing to see seven reflected at the beginning of creation as well as the End Times. In
Revelation, it proclaims the kingdom of the world has now become the Kingdom of Christ. This same message is
also declared in Daniel.
Daniel 7:13-14 “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven
One like a Son of Man was coming,
And He came up to the Ancient of Days
And was presented before Him.
14 And to Him was given dominion,
Glory and a kingdom,
That all the peoples, nations and men of every language
Might serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
Which will not pass away;
And His kingdom is one
Which will not be destroyed.”
All the people, nations, and men will serve Him. Men will still have free choice. How could man reject Christ
seems to be a mystery; even after He reigns on this earth as the Messiah. Otherwise, there is no need for Satan to
be released from the abyss, where he has been imprisoned for one-thousand years. It is for those born in fleshly
bodies to be tempted by Satan as mankind had been tempted by evil prior to Christ’s reign. In Revelation 20:8 it
states Satan will be released to come out and deceive the nations on the earth one last time before being cast into
167 New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Re 11:15–17). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
168 New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Da 7:13–14). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.