Page 82 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 82
in Matthew 25:14-29 that states “more shall be given… shall be taken away.” Christ may give greater responsibilities
to His chosen who return to earth with Him than those who didn’t invest wisely their given talents. Believers in
Christ who have received glorified bodies are servants of God, just like the angels in heaven. It is why believers
are called bond-servants of Christ, who purchased us with His precious blood. Is there a sign in the heavens to
represent His Shekinah Glory? We see below the glow of radiant light in a golden amber color in the skies.
August 2397 Sun eclipsed by Mars and the moon in the Constellation of Leo
This sign appears in the Constellation of Leo. Its name, Leo, is Latin for Lion. Its symbol is . Leo lies
between the Constellations of Cancer to the west and Virgo to the East. We shall see the Lion represents Christ.
This is very similar to Christ being represented as the Constellation of Orion, the “True Shepherd”, during the
gathering of Christ’s believers from this earth (Book: “Heavenly Signs – Grand Design for the Rapture”).
Constellation of Leo:
In Babylonian astronomy the constellation
was called - the 'Great Lion' the bright star,
Regulus, known as the king star. It stands at
the Lion's breast. It also had distinctly regal
associations as it was known as the King. In
Greek mythology, Leo was identified as the
Nemean Lion which was killed by
Hercules.The stars eta Leonis and alpha
Leonis mark the lion's heart, with alpha
Leonis, also known as Regulus, being the
bright star of magnitude one. The stars eta
Leonis and omicron Leonis form the right
front foot of the Lion.
Leo depicted as Lion (Alexander Jamieson, 1822)