Page 7 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 7


                                 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION

              This book has become a burning passion in my life. My prayer is that I can make clear in print what I am

              convinced is correct theology. Above all, I do not want to bring dishonor to my Lord and Savior or add to the
              confusion that already exists in the church. I must proclaim what I have perceived to be the crucial truth as
              revealed through scriptures, the Holy Spirit and the “Heavenly Signs” that represent the End Times Events. I have
              written as simply as I can and with clarity for easy comprehension for the non-believer. The signs in the heavens
              will challenge the End Times ideas we have been taught. My intent is to share with the readers what is the truth.
              God’s truth is revealed through His wonders of creation and His Word.  God created the heavens for greater
              significance than separating the day from the night. It was created to display “Heavenly Signs.”  The heavens reveal
              to mankind the truth about the End Times and the timing of events. “In the Last Days God says ….I will grant
              wonders in the sky above” which is from Act 2:17-19. The Word was with God from the beginning before the
              creation of this visible universe and world. The truth is the Prophetic Word is divinely-given and inspired by God
              to the Prophets and the Apostles for the End Times.  The Apostle John’s vision in Revelation has many signs
              seen in the heavens. The prophetic events are aligned with “Heavenly Signs” which demonstrate there is an
              Almighty God who set these heavenly bodies into motion at the time of creation. There was a plan of salvation
              from the beginning and a “Grand Design” for Christ to reign upon this earth. This has been written for those who
              are looking for a clear and concise explanation and for validation of the order of End Times Events. This
              includes the event of Christ’s return. Christ knows the time of His return and reign on this earth. He would like
              us to know through His wonders of creation and His Word the order and timing of events “in the last days.”

              Interpretation of these heavenly signs will be validated through independent sources. The heavenly signs will be
              used to generate a timeline for the events described in scripture. The sign of Christ’s return is a visible light
              tunnel into the far reaches of the heavens. It is so unique in sweeping across the earth that it cannot be mistaken
              for anything else except His return with His immortal armies to Jerusalem.  This event is relatively short in
              timeframe and extends in time over Jerusalem. This will ultimately result in His Final Glorious Reign on this
              earth. During the Tribulation, it is the “True Shepherd” who is present in the skies. However, during the Great
              Tribulation the Lion of Judah is present. The symbol of the Lion appears on the light tunnel for Christ’s return.
              The Prophet Joel states that God “… WILL DISPLAY WONDERS IN THE SKY AND ON THE EARTH” for the End
              Times, the Last Days, which is from Joel 2:30.  The Bible makes a number of surprising references to “signs” in
              the heavens from the Book of Genesis on creation to the last book of the Bible in Revelation about the End
              Times. The word “sign” occurs 855 times in 806 verses of the Bible. It is key to understanding the signifiance of
              the word “sign” and what the disciples were requesting of Christ when they were asking for “signs” of the events
              for the  End Times in the Olivet Discouse. The first usage is in Genesis in the context of God’s creative acts and
              the very beginning of this visible universe and world. In John 1:3 it states “All things came into being through Him.”

              Genesis 1:14-15 “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day
              from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; and let them be for
              lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth” and it was so.”
              It states that the heavens were created to be used for “signs.” The sun, moon and stars, which include planets,
              were in the divine scheme of things, intended to be “for signs and for seasons”. The final usage is in Revelation 12
              and 15. It is referred to as a “great sign” in the heavens because it symbolizes God’s chosen people, Israel.

              Revelation 12:1 “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under
              her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;”

              2  New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Gen 1:14). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
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