Page 58 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 58
October 2394 Night skies have radiant light in thirds
The night skies are shining with radiant light from the eclipsed sun that has set below the earth. The radiant light
has changed from the “V” shape into a cone or pear shaped light object, where one-third is brighter. The
brighter one-third reveals the Constellation of Aquila near the earth. Aquila represents an eagle in the mid-
heavens, since it is near the earth. Aquila is said to have keen and sharp eyesight. What could this eagle represent?
Constellation of Aquila:
"Aquila the Eagle is said to have
acuteness of his eyes.”
“For, Aquila is said to have such
wonderful eyesight that, when he is
poised above the seas on motionless
plume - not even visible to the human
gaze - yet from such a height he can
see the little fishes swimming, and,
coming down like a thunderbolt, he
can carry off his captured prey to the
shore, on the wing.”
This bird brings back the
thunderbolts which Jupiter has flung
and fights in the service of heaven.
Aquila depicted as an Eagle (Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825)