Page 125 - Heavenly Signs by Mel Gable
P. 125
Star Constellation Maps
Constellations in prophecy around the center of Draco - Northern Hemisphere (Alexander Jamieson, 1822)
The beginning of this heavenly star cycle occurs with the Constellation of Virgo and ends with the Constellation of Leo.
This represents the “Grand Design” for this world by God from the beginning of creation. In the center of the circle is
Draco, the dragon, who is ready to deceive the entire world. Leo, the Lion’s paws are on the head of the serpent Hydra
ready to strike the serpent’s head. This is mentioned in Genesis 3:15 where the Lord said to the serpent “He (Christ) shall
bruise you (serpent) on the head (fatal).” Satan will undoubtedly be conquered by Christ.